Supplier Directory
Supplier Directory

Thousands of suppliers at your fingertips

Find thousands of well-categorized suppliers with a few clicks with our free search functionality.

If you are in a hurry, let our team know what you are looking for and we’ll shortlist a few interesting manufacturers for your needs.

How It Works
How It Works

Suppliers Search Made Easy

Search suppliers with filters, by geolocalisation and contact manufacturers directly.

Axya map - supplier directory
Axya map - supplier directory

Find suppliers matching your criteria

You can search via text or keywords, restrict the geolocalisation of the suppliers via a search radius, and use filters to narrow down the shortlist of manufacturers.

This way, you are able to find someone at the right location, with the right capabilities, and with the appropriate certification for your business.

When you are done with narrowing down manufacturers you can add the interesting one to your supplier list.

Create public RFQs accessible to our entire network of suppliers

Unlimited free public RFQs: Create unlimited free public RFQs where the manufacturer will be able to quote and propose their service.

Select the items you want to outsource, add any additional documents, set an end date and you are good to go.

Select the best suppliers for your needs: Receive your quotes in a structured way which you will be able to compare and select the best suppliers for your needs.

Axya public RFQ
Axya public RFQ
supplier directory - suppliers profiles
supplier directory - suppliers profiles

Automate your supplier discovery

Connect with manufacturers.

By signing up on the platform, you will be able to describe your business and the type of work your company needs suppliers for.

The available manufacturers will be able to browse your profile and propose their services preemptively.

You can then browse their profile and decide if you want to connect further with them directly.

Try it out!

Our Customers Love Axya

Thousands of manufacturers already use our solution, why don't you?

vention logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
meloche logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
OSI Machinerie logo
Valks Machinery logo
GSF logo
scholer industriel logo
Eagle Hydraulic logo
Robsol logo
Usinage MCP logo
Laserax Logo
Brouwer kesmac logo
Tripar Logo
Lotus Design
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Our Customers Love Axya

Thousands of manufacturers already use our solution, why don't you?

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Kongsberg automotive logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
meloche logo
Rio tinto logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
meloche logo
Rio tinto logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
vention logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
Rio tinto logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
Rio tinto logo
meloche logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
Try it out!

Our Customers Love Axya

Thousands of manufacturers already use our solution, why don't you?

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Kongsberg automotive logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
meloche logo
Rio tinto logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
meloche logo
Rio tinto logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
vention logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
Rio tinto logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
Rio tinto logo
meloche logo
Kongsberg automotive logo
Success Stories

The Results Speak For Themselves

Discover what our clients have accomplished with Axya

Success Stories

The Results Speak For Themselves

Discover what our clients have accomplished with Axya

Success Stories

The Results Speak For Themselves

Discover what our clients have accomplished with Axya

Book a Meeting With Our Team

Don't let outdated procurement methods hold you back.

Empower your team, delight your suppliers, and take your business to new heights with Axya.

If you're ready to upgrade the way you work, let's meet for a discovery call!

Talk to a Product Expert

Once you fill out this form, you will be able to book time directly on our team’s calendar.

Meet The Game-Changer For Procurement Teams

Our team has optimized thousands of procurement processes and handled millions of RFQs and POs to bring our software to where it is today.

While each manufacturing company has specific processes, we have observed that supply chain challenges often unite them. This is why Axya's procurement software offers a modular solution that can be customized to meet the unique needs of each organization.

See how Axya's procurement software can give your team room to breathe starting now.

Meet The Game-Changer For Procurement Teams

Our team has optimized thousands of procurement processes and handled millions of RFQs and POs to bring our software to where it is today.

While each manufacturing company has specific processes, we have observed that supply chain challenges often unite them. This is why Axya's procurement software offers a modular solution that can be customized to meet the unique needs of each organization.

See how Axya's procurement software can give your team room to breathe starting now.

Meet The Game-Changer For Procurement Teams

Our team has optimized thousands of procurement processes and handled millions of RFQs and POs to bring our software to where it is today.

While each manufacturing company has specific processes, we have observed that supply chain challenges often unite them. This is why Axya's procurement software offers a modular solution that can be customized to meet the unique needs of each organization.

See how Axya's procurement software can give your team room to breathe starting now.


Canada: +1 438 600-8933
USA: +1 844 996-2812

1155 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1583, Montréal, QC H3B 2V6

© 2024 Axya, Inc. All rights reserved.


Canada: +1 438 600-8933
USA: +1 844 996-2812

1155 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1583, Montréal, QC H3B 2V6

© 2024 Axya, Inc. All rights reserved.