
PSM Industries, Inc.

14000 Avalon Blvd. , Los Angeles, California, United States, 90061-2636

Since 1956, Pacific Sintered Metals has been a family business centered on one creative vision...to provide the widest range of solutions in parts fabrication through P/M technology. Today, PSM sits on a seven-acre campus in the heart of Los Angeles. From its humble beginning, PSM took advantage of breakthrough technology in metal fabrication and helped develop the technology into the powerhouse process it represents today. Today, PSM manufactures a wide variety of precision-engineered P/M parts through its four operating divisions. PSM has become a world leader in design and engineering solutions for powdered metal fabrication. We have learned how to take advantage of every related technology, how to utilize a broad range of options to bring our customers the rarest of all commodities in production: peace-of-mind. That's why smart engineers we've worked with over the years know that by bringing their challenges to PSM, their visions have a better chance of seeing daylight. They recognize More... that if anyone can find a solution, it's PSM.

Notre Usine
non disponible
Nos Projets
non disponible
Procédés de Fabrication
  • Usinage de Précision
  • Fraisage 3 et 4 axes ( Milling )
  • Tournage 3 et 4 axes ( Lathe )

  • Équipement médical
  • Acier

  • ISO 9001
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